Pro Tips & Time Saving Ideas Part 2


The last Pro Tip post seemed to be popular among readers, so in effort to be a people pleaser, I present you Pro Tips and Time Savings Ideas Part 2.

Like most ideas I have, they stem from wanting to be more efficient. Whether it’s cooking, baking, or organizing, my brain is always figuring out how I can achieve the goal quicker, more effectively and with the best results.

Perfect example is the history of me making my ‘Acorn’ Shortbread cookies. I put acorn in quotation marks because originally the cookie was shaped like an acorn with the bottom portion dipped in chocolate. If you’ve ever worked with shortbread you know how dry and crumbly it is. To hand shape each cookie into an acorn used to take me hours. Until I figured out that the cookie tastes the same no matter what form it takes. Naturally, it still needs to look appetizing, but since we’re not squirrels, most any other shape would suffice, and without all the extra hand shaping work. The first couple of years I was still hand shaping but not so intricately. Then I realized that I could ratchet up my efficiency level up a few notches. I packed all the dough into a baking sheet and rolled it out evenly. Then I cut squares or rectangle shapes, and using a spatula, lifted them onto another baking sheet. Voilà, the process now takes minutes instead of hours. And instead of dipping each cookie, I use a piping bag and drizzle the chocolate across dozens of cookies at the same time. In my opinion, I like the look so much better.

I thought I would share that anecdote to illustrate how thinking things through can lead to working smarter rather than harder. I’m all about that x10! I hope these next set of tips do the same for you.

Pro Tips #1 - Roasting or grilling onion slices evenly: Onion Lollipops

I love onions. I make them in tons of ways including using them as a side vegetable. So, when I had a private chef gig out in the Hamptons last summer, I included onions as part of the menu. I wanted the onion slices to look composed and kept together, and of course, evenly cooked. By using this trick, you achieve just that.

First, peel the onion. Then place skewers into the onion spacing them the thickness you want for each slice. Then using a sharp knife, simply slice between the skewers. You wind up with onion lollipop sticks that can be roasted in the oven or grilled on a cast iron skillet. Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper then cook as you wish. Of course, you remove the skewers before serving. Unless, of course, you devise an interesting way to serve them keeping their lollipop look. Up to you. The beauty of this method… Let me count.

  • The onions cook evenly

  • It is easy to turn because all the rings are corralled together

  • They can be used in a sandwich or on a burger without onion flying all over the place

  • They look beautiful

Should I go on.

Pro Tip #2 - Rice is Nice but More is Better.

When you make rice, why not make 2 or 3 times what you need. If you are going to do the work once, why not take advantage of the efforts and make it easier at a later date. Cook the rice as you normally would. Set aside the portion you don’t need immediately by spreading it out on a sheet tray to cool for no more than an hour. Once cooled, place the extra portions in labeled plastic freezer bags. The best part about this is that when you need it in the future it doesn’t take 20 minutes to make. Remove the rice from the plastic bag and place it in a covered pan over a low flame and gently let it steam. If you have a microwave, which I do not, then you can warm in a microwave safe container. If using for fried rice, just throw in in the wok or pan directly. No need to steam since you want the rice to be cold. That’s the best way to make fried rice.

Various Uses:

  • Use for Stir Fry dishes like chicken and broccoli or shrimp and mushrooms

  • Add to soups

  • Use for Fried Rice

  • Rice cakes

* Storing and reheating rice needs special attention. Please refer to this link for important information to ensure that you safely store and reuse rice.

Pro Tip #3 - Buy in Season & Enjoy All Year Long.
Oven Roasting Tomatoes & Freezing

Some of you may recall the summer I bought 100 lbs. of tomatoes at the end of the season. Granted that is an inordinate amount, but I continue to reap the benefits of roasting these ruby red jewels. And that, my friends, is exactly what I’m talking about. Make the effort once and continue to feel the love.

For more on the various ways to oven roast or dry roast tomatoes, check out the links below.

The Great Tomato Caper

Tomatoes Galore

I hope that these few more tips and tricks will aid you in the kitchen, and make cooking easier and bring loads of benefits. For more ideas, check out:
Pro Tips & Time Saving Ideas Part 1


Mini Pancakes - A Treat for Mom

This idea literally presented itself to me while I was making gluten free pancakes for Sunday breakfast. As I was pouring the batter I was sorting out in my head, “Should I make a few to eat now then freeze the rest of the batter? Or should I make them all and freeze them for future use?” But while my brain was doing its usual mental gymnastics, a few small drops hit the pan forming baby pancakes. That’s when it hit me. I could make tiny little blini like discs and use them as vehicle to get different toppings in my mouth. Cracker gold. As you know, I am yeast and gluten free, so options for crackers, bread or any type of food holding device is limited for me. These gluten free pancakes would be perfect in the miniature size. And so I made the rest of the batter into small discs.
A mountain of mini pancakes

A mountain of mini pancakes

Clearly a cup and half of batter makes plenty of mini pancakes. Naturally, I needed some for this blog post, but the rest I pop these in the oven and eat them for breakfast with almond butter and strawberry jam.

Quick and easy, Arrowhead Mills Gluten Free Pancake Mix.

Quick and easy, Arrowhead Mills Gluten Free Pancake Mix.

This ended up being my breakfast that Sunday. I topped them with almond butter and strawberry jam. It was very delicious.

This ended up being my breakfast that Sunday. I topped them with almond butter and strawberry jam. It was very delicious.

My very next thought was how will this help you, my readers. Immediately, I thought of Mother’s Day, and how this year would be a tad different. Knowing that it might be a smaller event with just the immediate core family, why not create small little bite sized treats for mom. Plus the kids will love to pop these in the mouths, too. I used gluten free but certainly the same idea applies for regular pancake mix. Instead of a big stack of pancakes, opt for these delicate little versions and top them with a variety of breakfast goodies that will give Mom a pancake tasting plate. A few ideas:

  • Flaked or Smoked Salmon & Scallion Cream Cheese

  • Fruit & Whipped Cream (Strawberries would be great, but I had Kiwi, so that’s what I used)

  • Crispy Bacon & Scallion Cream Cheese

  • Warm Apple Compote

Making an Apple Compote sounds fancy, but it’s super easy to make.

Ingredients: Apples (1.5c), brown sugar (1T), butter (2T), lemon juice (2T)
Instructions: Cut the apple into small chunks, melt butter in pan, add apples, brown sugar and lemon juice. Let cook over medium low heat until the apples soften. Yup, that simple.

Naturally this tiny pancake idea can also be used as an appetizer for a party when we get back to throwing parties in larger groups. Until then, you can practice on Mom, and show her the love with bite sized treats with all her favorite toppings. This might be fun to get the kids involved, as I bet they’ll love the tiny pancake aspect.

I must admit that I am sad not to be celebrating with my beautiful mom. She is angel that was sent to love and support us. Just look into those eyes and you know it. So, if you are like me, not being able to celebrate in the same physical space as your mom, then pick a day in the near future to treat her to a special day. Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms.

My beautiful, generous, loving Mom.

My beautiful, generous, loving Mom.

Whatever you decide to make for your mom, remember the only necessary ingredient is LOVE. And you can never have too much of it.

Squash, Tomato, Peppers & Onion Bake


What do you do when you are mandated to follow a food regimen that limits the ingredients you can consume? First, take a sedative. A big sedative. Next, check the food list and start getting creative.

As I mentioned a couple of months back, I started seeing a new naturopath. Among one of my main goals is to try to cure my 3 year sinus issue. Yes, 3 whole years. As we all know, the shin bone’s connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bone’s connected to the hip bone. The hip bone’s connected the backbone. And so on and so on. You get the point. Everything in our bodies is connected and related to one another. Which is why gut health is key. So among one of the paths to curing my sinuses is getting my gut better. To recap, I’ve been following the GAPS* regimen which cuts out all carbs, grains and starchy vegetables. I had been following this diet for weeks, so when I say sedative, there wassn’t enough sedation to calm my aching pasta brain. But I was a trooper, and wanted to get better so I stuck with it and came up with yummy things to eat.

* Links for more info on GAPS at the end of the post.

I decided to visit my happy place, AKA the farmer’s market, where I picked up as many of the things I could eat. Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Onions, Peppers, Tomatoes, Herbs. These immediately reminded me of those baked dishes with swirls of zucchini. So, I thought I would give it a spin.

The vegetable line up. Zucchini, yellow squash, red and yellow peppers and onions.

The vegetable line up. Zucchini, yellow squash, red and yellow peppers and onions.

Now you know I couldn’t just leave it at that. On this ‘diet’, I can actually have goat and sheep cheeses. Thank goodness, or a crime might have been committed without this one saving grace! With curds in hand, this veggie swirl was going to be topped with cheese glorious cheese.


2 medium zucchini, sliced
2 yellow squash, sliced
2 medium onions, sliced
2 red peppers, sliced
2 yellow peppers, sliced
4-5 plum tomatoes, sliced
3 T dry oregano
Salt, pepper, olive oil
3/4 - 1 cup feta cheese & goat

(The first time I made this dish I used a combo of both. Next time I only had feta,
so used 3/4 c)

I like using plum tomatoes for this dish.

I like using plum tomatoes for this dish.

You’ve all heard to talk about the mise en place. And I’m a true believer, but there is a delicate balance between having everything ready, and multi-tasking. Using your time wisely to prep some items while others cook is the perfect harmony of mise en place and smart prep.

Use your time wisely. While one thing is cooking, prep the next.

Use your time wisely. While one thing is cooking, prep the next.


1. Thinly slice onions and peppers. Sauté peppers first in a pan with olive oil. Once they start to soften add the onions, salt, pepper and 1 teaspoon of oregano. Let cook slowly over medium low heat until they are completely softened and nicely caramelized. Approximately 45 minutes.

Cook the peppers down first a bit. They take a bit longer than the onions.

Cook the peppers down first a bit. They take a bit longer than the onions.

2. Meanwhile, cut the zucchini, yellow squash, tomatoes in even slices. You can assemble on the board as you go. Or assemble in the baking dish. Whichever you prefer.

Try to make the slices the same width so everything cooks evenly.

Try to make the slices the same width so everything cooks evenly.

Assemble on the board and then just transfer to the baking dish.

Assemble on the board and then just transfer to the baking dish.

3. Once the peppers and onions have cooked down, place them on the bottom of a baking dish (11” x 8”).

Caramelized to sweet goodness. This creates a bottom layer that add both another texture and flavor to the dish.

Caramelized to sweet goodness. This creates a bottom layer that add both another texture and flavor to the dish.

4. Then begin to assemble your vegetables on top. I like alternating one of each in rows. Or if you only have a round baking dish, you can swirl the design around. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt, pepper and 1 tsp of oregano. Bake at 400 for 35 minutes.

Beautiful colors, beautifully arranged and ready for baking.

Beautiful colors, beautifully arranged and ready for baking.

Only have a round baking dish. No problem, just create a swirl.

Only have a round baking dish. No problem, just create a swirl.

5. After 35 minutes, pull of out the oven and crumble the cheese over top. Drizzle a bit more oil and the final oregano. Bake for another 25-30 minutes until its golden brown, the veggies are softened and the liquid is bubbly.

Once the vegetables are partially baked, then you can add the cheese.

Once the vegetables are partially baked, then you can add the cheese.

That’s some crumbled yum right there. Back in the oven to get yummier!

That’s some crumbled yum right there. Back in the oven to get yummier!

The first time I made this I inhaled it... I mean, enjoyed it as the main meal. It was a pretty big dish so naturally there were leftovers which I ate for lunch the next day with a piece of sautéed fish. Which is how I ate it the second time, too. Naturally, this dish begs for something starchy to accompany it. Believe me when I say the irony of that thought slays me. Only I would cook up something that pairs perfectly with shit I couldn’t eat at the moment. This combo of flavors would be great with pasta or rice, but my growling stomach thinks that thick slices of roasted or grilled potatoes would the ideal companion. Plate it up alongside a lovely piece of protein like chicken, fish or meat and a complete meal is a done deal.

I like this dish for several reasons. And not because one day soon I’ll be eating it with pasta. But because this recipe is equally suitable for an informal dinner party as it is for a weeknight meal with leftovers for the week. It’s delish piping hot, but I’ve enjoyed it at room temperature as well. I even relished it topped with poached eggs. Which is why I’m posting this right before New Year’s Eve. I think this is a fantastic recipe to make for a New Year’s Day Brunch or even on the buffet table on the eve. And those are just a few good reasons to give this a try. I’m sure there are more. So what are you waiting for?


For those interested in learning more about the GAPS diet and anti-inflammatory methods below are a few links. As a foot note, I stayed on this regime for 6 weeks, and I although it was difficult, and I truly craved some warm, soft starch in my tummy, I stuck with it and did find that it helped my gut. It is meant to help heal, and not necessarily meant for a lifetime regime, unless of course you have a more serious gut issue.

GAPS Protocol
GAPS Overview
GAPS Outline
What is GAPS Diet

Thanksgiving Table Settings - Casual to Elegant


Here we are again, right back at the holiday season. Time sure does blow by quickly. But it’s a guarantee that the holidays show up on schedule with all the trimmings, ie: hectic, hustle and bustle with a side order of stress. So since you might be experiencing some of these as you plan your menu, make shopping lists, tidy the house, pull out the turkey platters and hopefully breathe deeply, I thought I might help out in another area; table settings. Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that has very particular food servings. Typically guests want, in fact, they almost demand, the usual suspects. With that in mind, it seemed to me that posting yet another recipe variation on mashed or sweet potatoes wouldn’t be all that helpful. Most people straight up crave those heavy, carb laden dishes aka sleep inducers. So I say, go ahead and make what you know and what they love. Seriously, it’s one less thing to think about, go with tradition.

My goal for this Thanksgiving post is to give you tables-cape options; from the casual to the more elegant. These may be less traditional but festive all the same. And when I say options, brace yourself. I have taken that word to its ultimate meaning, providing a multitude of variations. Another objective for this mind bending table option extravaganza is to use basic items that you might already have, and combine them with inexpensive florals that won’t break the bank. Sure, more heavily Thanksgiving themed tablecloths can be used, but the idea here was to use a neutral palette and add pops of color to create a more subtle holiday vibe. Some of these ideas can easily be used any time during the year by simply swapping out the orange tones for other more seasonal colors. So, let’s just see how you can play with your tableware, since playing with your food is gauche.
(Also, I figure you might like some of the items I used, so I included a few resource links at the end that have similar items.)

First things first, florals. Since the meal can break the bank, I didn’t want the centerpiece to be sacrificed for budget reasons, so all the florals I chose are actually just fillers. That’s right, I only bought fillers which are the least expensive. I picked each one up at Trader Joe’s for $2.99 each. I will show you the various ways you can use these, so you can decide which works best for the way you want to style your table this holiday. In some cases it will only cost you $2.99. Other combinations incorporated several bunches but none of the arrangements I created cost more than $15. Now that is some frugal finagling. Here’s the floral line up.

Various greens

Various greens

The simplicity of baby’s breathe

The simplicity of baby’s breathe

Pops of color

Pops of color

Ok, before proceeding hold onto your hats. There is going to be a ton of photos to demonstrate the various options. As I was writing this piece and pulling together all the elements I knew it needed to be orderly, so to make it manageable I broke up the various options into sections. If you already know that you want something more elegant, maybe jump down to that section. If you want to see all the various, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy.

  • Casual Table Settings with options

  • Centerpiece options

  • Simple Elegance Table Setting with options

  • True Elegance Table Setting with Options

(Truth be told, it was overwhelming for me to decide what to share and what to leave on the cutting room floor. I tried to limit the amount but still show the variations and then grouped them. I hope I’ve made it easier for you to digest all this. Including a new way of displaying imagery through slideshow boxes. This seemed the perfect way to display it all. (Would certainly love to hear your feedback on this way of showing photos.)

Simple & Casual Table

Let’s say you are having a less formal Thanksgiving dinner, but still want to make it feel special.

Option #1 - No Tablecloth | Autumn Colored Plaid Napkins | Burlap Table Runner
The simple use of white plates and bowls right on the table keeps this setting more casual. Balancing the spoon on the bowl makes it fun and whimsical. Giving a nod to the season, the plaid, autumn colored napkins continues the laid back feel while the burlap runner adds a rustic tone and gives a landing spot for centerpieces and candles. I used dark metal candlesticks to blend with the theme.

Option #2: White Tablecloth | Orange Napkins | Floral Runner
Still casual with the ante upped a tad. Use a white or cream tablecloth and the same white dishes. Swap out the plaid napkins for plain orange ones to give an instant pop of color. No formal runner here, just the eucalyptus leaves as a base for one main centerpiece.

Centerpieces for Casual Table

These two casual settings can take on a different tone simply by the centerpiece choice. Here are a few options.

Option #1 - Florals featuring Orange Tones
Since the table settings are more understated, the centerpiece can make a color statement. A variety of green and orange floral fillers can be arranged differently depending on the vases you have or the look you want to achieve. The larger arrangement was actually the most “expensive” of all the options. It used 5 filler florals each costing $2.99 for a total of $15. Impressive.

If you prefer a more low profile approach, choose smaller individual vases and spread them out in the middle of the table. Note the difference in style simply by switching out the vases but still using the same florals. As well the change of feeling from using the burlap runner vs. the eucalyptus leaves. The addition of pine cones also adds a nod to autumn.

Option #2 - Fruit Centerpiece
Don’t want to fuss with flowers, use seasonal fruit to create a colorful centerpiece. By arranging the fruit on a tray, basket or round platter it makes for easy removal if you need the table space. If you don’t have anything or simply don’t need to move it, you can also just arrange it right on the table. Add pine cones, nuts and votive candles to finish off the look. Choose fruits that would like to serve, then this becomes the dessert platter. Now that is cost savings; Pretty, functional AND edible! Here are a few options for fruit.

Wood Tray Base

My parents brought this back from their Mexican honeymoon 58 years ago. It’s my pride and joy.

My parents brought this back from their Mexican honeymoon 58 years ago. It’s my pride and joy.

Use eucalyptus leaves and stalks to line the bottom.

Use eucalyptus leaves and stalks to line the bottom.

Gold Charger & Glass Cake Plate
If you don’t have long tray or you don’t have a long table, choose a smaller platter. I chose a gold charger, but you can really use any platter as long as it is sturdy to hold all the fruit. Place the eucalyptus leaves down (trim if necessary) then arrange and pile up the fruit. Add pine cones and grass stalks. You can even add nuts in their shells. For additional height, place the entire platter on a cake plate. Then you can tuck your candles slightly underneath. The lift creates a more dramatic feel.

Directly on the Table
If you don’t have a platter because they are all being used to serve the mountains of food you are preparing, go ahead and create the centerpiece directly on the table, placing candles in and around. Please note that this version means leaving it there the entire time until you are ready to eat the fruit for desset.

Don’t have a long tray. Use a round charger plate.

Don’t have a long tray. Use a round charger plate.

Want to give it height, place it on a cake plate.

Want to give it height, place it on a cake plate.

Table of Simple Elegance

Option #1: White Tablecloth | Silver Chargers | White Napkins
Again, using some of the basic elements from the casual setting and adding touches of elegance. Start with the white or cream tablecloth. Still using white plates, but changing out the soup bowl for a salad plate and turning diamond shaped adds the whimsy. Grounding the place setting with a silver charger takes this to a more refined level as does adding a water glass. The silver keeps it bright but still not full on formal, as do the simple white napkins tied with raffia.

In keeping with the white theme, the scattered placement of various vases filled with white baby’s breathe creates a simple elegance of singular focus, with the eucalyptus leaves centering it all.

Option #2: White Tablecloth | Silver Charger | Black Placemats & Napkins
Want a little edge? Add sharp contrast with black placemats and napkins. This version is the same as above with those two small changes. Turning the placemat vertically instead of horizontally lends more of a modern touch. A simple roll of the napkin also plays into the contemporary, sleek feel. The white baby’s breathe with candlelight takes it to a romantic elegant space.

Option #3: White Tablecloth | Silver Charger | Orange Pops of Color
If those white and black options seem to stark and not enough holiday bling, then bring back the orange accents. Toss down the runner and add the orange napkins back in but this time bunch them up and place them on the plate. Continue the festive feel with the orange and green florals, this time arranged in a wider, lower glass vase, and now you have a touch of elegance with a splash of color. And don’t forget candles. Bang!

Option #4: No Charger Plates - No Problem
Using the casual orange napkin place setting, add a bright orange runner to the center of the table and watch how that simple addition ratchets up the elegance factor.

The varying height vintage vases filled with baby’s breathe pop off the bright, high contrast runner. But if are not a fan of baby’s breathe and want something a bit more organic, Go Green. The austere use of only filler greens feels like nature itself and a different kind of breathe: one of fresh air.

True Elegance

Option #1: White & Gold | Orange Runner | Cream Napkin
Bringing in gold adds an elegance all its own. Gold equals regal, so simply adding the gold charger takes the same cream colored tablecloth setting to another level. Since the orange runner makes the color statement, keeping the napkins soft and neutral brings true elegance. The simple roll or tuck into the glass makes the napkin not too fussy. You can also simply wrap the rolled napkin with organza, ribbon or twine. For other napkin option, go back and check my post Napkin Folding - 5 Basic Folds - Countless Options.

Option #2: White & Gold | Orange Runner | Gold Glassware & Napkin Rings
If gold adds elegance, then why not add more gold elements. This version piles on the golden accents with the addition of vintage yellow gold glassware and golden silk napkin rings. Swapping the dark metal candlesticks for vintage glass ones brings in sparkle. (Don’t worry if you don’t have vintage, try outlet type stores for bargains, like Marshall’s.
Depending on how much of a statement you want your centerpiece to make, below are three options. Note: I snuck in hydrangeas which were no cost at all since these were cut from our garden as they turned from white to their lovely autumn hues.

I know, I know this was a ton to process. Believe me when I say I know since I had dozens upon dozens of photos from which to choose to demonstrate the many possibilities of using the same basic elements. Sure each one could have been a single blog post, and maybe easier to digest. But this way you can visually see how small changes can dramatically alter the look and feel of your table. My suggestion is to first decide the style you want, Casual or Elegant. Then go back directly to those options and re-review that section. Or if you are like me and absolutely love all the variety, have at it and keep looking and scrolling and tapping to your hearts content. Nothing would make me happier.

I do hope that I have helped and given you inspiration.
Happy table dressing. May your guests appreciate all the efforts you put forth.

Ladies Who Lunch

Olivia, my Mom, Elena. The best assistances ever! It goes without saying, good attracts good, and these women are pure good.

Olivia, my Mom, Elena. The best assistances ever! It goes without saying, good attracts good, and these women are pure good.

Last year I had the awesome opportunity to cater a lunch for the lovely ladies of The Women’s Club from my Mom's condo community.  They are a fantastic group of vital women who meet for various occasions. They have a book club. They go to the theatre, take field trips and just enjoy one another’s company.  They regularly host parties and luncheons, and that's where I came in.  My Mom is in charge of organizing one summer luncheon each year.  After hearing about the one she organized last year, I asked if she wanted me to help her cater the upcoming one. My Mom is an amazing woman who is always willing to help others and give of herself. So, naturally I wanted to do something special for her and for her friends.  This particular luncheon is usually a casual one serving up typical summer fare, like sandwiches and potato salad and such. My goal was to up the ante a bit, and so I embarked in creating a menu that they might enjoy.  I sat down with my Mom and her friend, Elena, who helps her with this event.  As luck would have it I was just coming back from working a catering event in the Hamptons and had some leftovers with me.  Call it fate, kismet or just plain damn good luck that I had this nibbles for them to try. It was almost like a wedding tasting. As I pulled out dish after dish for them to taste test, we took notes, jotted down what they liked, what I could slightly change and what I could add, all taking into account the likes of their group.  It was great to have both my Mom and Elena providing valuable feedback so we could tailor the luncheon to offer up some delicious dishes. And so the menu was set, and the plan hatched. 

Tomato Mozzarella Puff Pastry Tartlets

Tomato Mozzarella Puff Pastry Tartlets

Tomato Mozzarella Puff Pastry Tarts
Arugula & Parmigiano Reggiano with Lemon Vinaigrette
Egg Salad
Chicken Salad with Grapes, Apples & Walnuts served with Romaine boats
Turkey Breast & Swiss Cheese Roll Ups
Asian Slaw with Peanut-Tahini Dressing
Israeli Couscous with Sautéd Zucchini & Roasted Tomato with a Roasted Garlic Dressing
Cucumber Salad
French Baguettes

Peach Cobbler with Whipped Cream
Lime Zest/Raspberry Filled Cookies
Mini Cheesecakes

Normally they use throw away plastic tablecloths and paper dishes. It was a hard sell at first, but I convinced my Mom that using cloth tablecloths and real dishes would make it feel special. As you all know, I HAVE tablecloths. Enough, in fact, to cover the buffet table and all the seated tables.

The luncheon was held in the condo’s clubhouse, which meant we had to set the room up with tables and chairs for 30 guests. They showed me their usual set up, but in traditional Dana fashion I rejiggered the entire space. Thankfully, I had the help of my Mom, Elena and Olivia.  Especially since I decided that we would seriously need to move most of the furniture around. They were very willing and accommodating to my suggestions. Moving the seating area that was directly in front of the fireplace gave way for a perfect place to set up the main buffet table, front and center. It was August, so no need to have access to that. With this new placement, we were able to better utilize the entire space and the built-in counters next to the fireplace. Which is where I placed the plates, napkins and utensils for a better flow.

I was happy that they allowed me to move around furniture so we could set up the buffet table for maximum access. I placed a menu on the table with all the offerings. You can also place cards in front of each dish as a way to identify the food.

I was happy that they allowed me to move around furniture so we could set up the buffet table for maximum access. I placed a menu on the table with all the offerings. You can also place cards in front of each dish as a way to identify the food.

When setting up a buffet table, think about the flow. Think about how people will reach for the food items and make sure you place them accordingly. Set higher items in the back, and group foods together. Bread near the items like the Egg Salad and Chicken Salad, condiments close to the cold cuts, for example.

It’s important to lay the food items out in a way that makes it easy to reach, pretty to look at and in a order that makes sense.

It’s important to lay the food items out in a way that makes it easy to reach, pretty to look at and in a order that makes sense.

Make sure you have utensils for each dish and have any condiments close by.

Asian Slaw gives a nice spice to all the other dishes. And you can’t go wrong with a few cold cuts.

Asian Slaw gives a nice spice to all the other dishes. And you can’t go wrong with a few cold cuts.

Make your platters look pretty. Arrange the food so your guests feel that you took time and care in preparing the meal. It makes them feel special, as they should.

Chicken Salad with Fruit & Nuts is a perfect summer dish. Great with lettuce leaves or on rolls, or just plain by itself.

Chicken Salad with Fruit & Nuts is a perfect summer dish. Great with lettuce leaves or on rolls, or just plain by itself.

Israeli Couscous, it’s fluffy and light but satisfyingly filling. The oven roasted garlic and tomatoes give this dish it’s depth of flavor.

Israeli Couscous, it’s fluffy and light but satisfyingly filling. The oven roasted garlic and tomatoes give this dish it’s depth of flavor.

Peppery Arugula Salad with shaved Parmigiana Reggiano. It may be a simple salad but with just a few ingredients, it is a fresh, flavor punch.

Peppery Arugula Salad with shaved Parmigiana Reggiano. It may be a simple salad but with just a few ingredients, it is a fresh, flavor punch.

Lime Zest Cookies with Raspberry filling. Tart and sweet and delicate.

Lime Zest Cookies with Raspberry filling. Tart and sweet and delicate.

Mini Cheese Cakes. Use the base recipe for the pie but instead of using one pie crust, use crushed graham crackers with melted butter and press into mini cupcake tins. Then fill with batter and bake. These are perfect two bite treats. Champagne grap…

Mini Cheese Cakes. Use the base recipe for the pie but instead of using one pie crust, use crushed graham crackers with melted butter and press into mini cupcake tins. Then fill with batter and bake. These are perfect two bite treats. Champagne grapes give a tart pop.

We used my Soothing Blues theme but gave the tables a vibrant color pop with small centerpieces using Ribbon flowers accented with white hydrangeas cut from my garden.  Simple but striking. The best part was showing Elena, who was reluctant in arranging the flowers, just how easy it is to create a floral arrangement with impact. Hesitant at first, her confidence grew once I showed her color blocking and explained that simpler is better. And with that she finished the rest beautifully. The key; do what looks good to your eye and it will look good to others.

I had to convince them away from paper plates. These outdoor reusable plastic plates were still casual but a tad more special.

I had to convince them away from paper plates. These outdoor reusable plastic plates were still casual but a tad more special.

Strong contrast creates a striking floral arrangement.

Strong contrast creates a striking floral arrangement.

Some featured more fuchsia with white accent. Some reversed.

Some featured more fuchsia with white accent. Some reversed.

It was so lovely to be welcomed into their group and serve them food that they enjoyed.  Everyone seemed to have a good time and loved the food offerings.   

Ladies on the buffet line
Ladies waiting for the buffet
Chatting after a little dessert.

Chatting after a little dessert.

Smiles and good conversation. And yes to regular dishes but plastic cups just made more sense.

Smiles and good conversation. And yes to regular dishes but plastic cups just made more sense.

There is a simple joy in sharing food. In creating an atmosphere where people feel loved by your efforts.  Remember, no matter what we do in life, whether it be the words we speak, or the food we make, the flowers we arrange, or the door we hold open, when done from a place of purity then the world is stirred with love. Thank you to my Mom, Elena and Olivia, and to Rhona and the entire Women's Club for welcoming me to your luncheon last year.  Here’s to all of you, hoping you enjoy these memories and share many more happy adventures and good eating together!

And for the rest of my readers, I hope this brings about inspiration on how and what to serve for Ladies’ Summer Lunch. Ok, Men are welcome, too! In fact, all are welcome. Stir it with LOVE!

If you are interested in my Private Chef services, please contact me directly: And please feel free to pass along my info. Thank YOU!